
[ 978GBICCAGK10 ] KS Comparative Analysis of Governance Structures

Es ist eine neuere Version 2020W dieser LV im Curriculum Masterstudium Joint Master's Program Global Business - Canada/Taiwan 2024W vorhanden.
Workload Ausbildungslevel Studienfachbereich VerantwortlicheR Semesterstunden Anbietende Uni
2 ECTS M2 - Master 2. Jahr Betriebswirtschaftslehre Werner Auer-Rizzi 1 SSt Johannes Kepler Universität Linz
Quellcurriculum Masterstudium Joint Master Program Global Business - Kanada/Taiwan 2015W
Ziele Governance Structures determine the distribution of power between different interest groups. This applies to all kinds of social entities ranging from the United Nations, supranational organizations (e.g. EU, NAFTA, etc.) national states, business units, and even families. Institutions cannot be productive without the regulation of a governance structure. Based on the culture / traditions of countries, the various organizational levels can abide by the same concepts (harmonious models) or permit disharmonious structures. For example, a political system can be democratic but company laws can be autocratic and favor only one interest group like the shareholders in a purely capitalistic system and vice versa (an autocratic political system and a more or less open market system for international competition). The regulation of a power structure within social systems is not an end in itself; it has an important influence on the economic and individual well-being of the participants in that system (states, institutions, groups, and individuals). This course aims to familiarize students with the socio-economic and legal factors that affect the conduct of business in Europe and to understand the differences in governance structures between Austria, Canada, and Taiwan. Especially It will examine the European and Austrian business context, the European legal system and foundations, the impact of EU integration on the European economy, the Austrian and European contemporary history, industrial relations, and governance structures at the level of the company, economy, and society.

The course objectives are to:

  • Develop an understanding of the EU as an international player, the key actors and processes in EU legislation, the main interface problems between EU and national legal orders and politics, the fundamental freedoms of the internal market and the business opportunities thus provided, and the role and key instruments of EU competition policy.
  • Develop an understanding of the economic impact of EU-integration, the most important topics facing the EU economy, the relations between business and politics, and selected topics of EU policies that affect the way of conducting business
  • Develop an understanding of the special case of Austrian Social Partnership model and enable the students to create a comparative report on governance structures between their native countries (respectively, Austria / Canada / Taiwan) at different levels of a society, with a special emphasis on the economy as a whole as well as on business/non profit organizations
Lehrinhalte Austria’s History in the European Context
Austrian Health Care System – workshop with “Gebietskrankenkasse”
Governance Structures in general; Introduction to Austrian Social Partnership model
Governance Structures – Introduction to Students’ Projects
Governance Structures - Workshop with EU parliament member Prof. Dr. Josef Weidenholzer
Beurteilungskriterien Project Report/Reflective Essay
Lehrmethoden Group Work: The purpose of group work is to enhance your skill in working collaboratively. When a group-based assignment forms part of your evaluation for a grade, all members of the group will receive the same grade. Any exception to this policy, such as adjustments for relative contribution, will be specified in writing prior to the grading of the assignment.

Attendance: Attending class is an important part of the learning process in this course. Attendance exposes you to material not in the readings, to your classmates' insights and helps clarify material that can lead to better performance in the course.

Students with unexcused absences from class sessions will be penalized by lowering their grade by 5% (1 degree of letter grade) for each session missed unexcused.

Abhaltungssprache Englisch
Literatur 1. Textbook: to be determined (due to the Lisbon Treaty and its changes to the Founding Treaties of the EU new editions are in print for every major textbook).

2. Additional material, Publications by the European Commission, and cases will be provided via different media.

3. Texts and other material regarding the Social Partnership and Governance issues will be distributed in class.

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Teilungsziffer 40
Zuteilungsverfahren Zuteilung nach Vorrangzahl