
[ 921SOENSOTK13 ] KV Software Testing

Es ist eine neuere Version 2022W dieser LV im Curriculum Master's programme Business Informatics 2024W vorhanden.
(*) Unfortunately this information is not available in english.
Workload Education level Study areas Responsible person Hours per week Coordinating university
3 ECTS M1 - Master's programme 1. year Computer Science Johannes Sametinger 2 hpw Johannes Kepler University Linz
Detailed information
Original study plan Master's programme Computer Science 2013W
Objectives Students will come to understand the importance of software testing during the software development process as well as basic concepts and techniques of various types of testing methods such as unit testing and integration & system testing. They will learn how to practically implement static and dynamic testing tools.
Subject Software quality, the principles and concepts of testing, static and dynamic testing strategies and tools, component testing, unit testing, system testing, integration testing, acceptance testing, performance testing, release testing, logging, debugging, test management, code inspections, code reviews, walk-throughs, software metrics, selected testing tools.
Criteria for evaluation Applied course exercises (50%), Examination (50%)
Language English
Study material Course Reading:
 Balzert, H.: Lehrbuch der Software-Technik. Band 2. Software-Management, Software-Qualitätssicherung und Unternehmensmodellierung. Spektrum-Akademischer Verlag, 1997.
 Meszaros, G.: xUnit Test Patterns: Refactoring Test Code. Addison Wesley Signature Series, Amsterdam, 2007.
 Liggesmeyer, P.: Sofware-Qualität - Testen, Analysieren und Verifizieren von Software. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg, 2002.
 Link, J.: Unit Testing in Java - How tests drive the code. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, San Francisco, in der aktuellen Auflage.
 Spillner, A.; Linz, T.: Basiswissen Softwaretest. dpunkt.verlag, Heidelberg, in der aktuellen Auflage.
 Spillner, A.; Roßner, T.; Winter, M.; Linz, T.: Praxiswissen Softwaretest–Testmanagement. dpunkt.verlag, Heidelberg, 2006.
 V-Modell XT:

Supplementary readings will be announced during the semester.

Changing subject? No
Corresponding lecture (*)INMSPKVTEST: KV Testen von Softwaresystemen (3 ECTS)
On-site course
Maximum number of participants -
Assignment procedure Direct assignment