Detailed information |
Original study plan |
Bachelor's programme Computer Science 2013W |
Objectives |
An introduction to concepts and languages for low level programming. Cross section through abstract layers above the computer architecture and below application programming.
Subject |
- assembly: hardware basis (architecture, CPU, registers, memory), instructions, memory access, assembling and linking, functions, system calls, file access, memory management, dynamic libraries
- C programming language: operators, keywords, conventions, pointers, arrays, strings, user-defined types, memory management, input/output, standard library, development tools
- special topics: POSIX, processes, signals, inter-process-communication (pipes, message queues, semaphores, shared memory)
Criteria for evaluation |
assignments, exam at the end
Methods |
Lecture, practical assignments with individual feedback, discussion of examples during class sessions, possibility to discuss and ask questions in an online forum
Language |
English |
Changing subject? |
No |
Corresponding lecture |
(*)INBWAKVPRGC: KV Praktikum: Programmiersprache C (3 ECTS) bzw. INMWAPRPRCP: PR Praktikum: Programmiersprache C++ (3 ECTS)