Detailed information |
Original study plan |
Bachelor's programme Mechatronics 2015W |
Objectives |
Recapitulate baseknowledge concepts from Electrical Engineering 1 and 2 and practice electrical measurement techniques.
Subject |
- Oscilloscope: design and operation, measurement techniques, phasor diagrams, series and parallel equivalent circuit, measurement of a symmetric square-wave voltage, charging and discharging of a capacitor, R, L, and C in a. c. circuits, RLC-combination, switching transient, measurement of unknown combination, nonlinear behavior
- Networks and three-phase current: equivalent voltage source, matching for power transfer, voltage divider, frequency independent voltage divider, three-phase current, measurement of power of sinusoidal quantities, measurement of root mean square values, star connection, delta connection
- Transformer: theoretical fundamentals (ideal transformer, equivalent circuit of real transformer), determination of equivalent circuit, homemade transformer
- Filters and resonant circuits: attenuation ratio and Bode diagram, bandwidth and cut-off frequency, low pass, series-tuned circuit, band-pass filter;
Criteria for evaluation |
Short examinations, lab performance, protocols
Methods |
Set up electrical circuits and measure basic quantities in the laboratory
Language |
German |
Study material |
Laboratory notes
Changing subject? |
No |
Further information |