Es ist eine neuere Version 2024W dieses Fachs/Moduls im Curriculum Masterstudium Polymer Engineering and Science 2024W vorhanden.
(*) Leider ist diese Information in Deutsch nicht verfügbar.
Form der Prüfung
Anbietende Uni
27,2 ECTS
Kumulative Fachprüfung
M1 - Master 1. Jahr
Neuer Fachbereich
Jürgen Miethlinger
Johannes Kepler Universität Linz
Masterstudium Polymer Technologies and Science (PTS) 2014W
(*)The subject "Elective Track" provides additional competence in the fields of polymeric materials, product engineering and polymer processing on an advanced level. The goal is to enable on the one hand a specialisation in two sub-subjects and on the other hand to support and complete the courses in the core compulsory subject with the whole range of necessary qualification.
(*)The subject "Elective Track" contains the following eight sub-subjects:
- Chemistry and Chemical Technology - Physics of Materials and Material Science - Process Technologies and Modelling - Process Automation and Control - Computational Engineering Sciences - Applied Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering - Management and Business Administration - Polymer Industry and Sustainable Development
Sonstige Informationen
(*)At least two Elective Subjects of at least 8 ECTS must be completed. For any additionally required ECTS (11.2 ECTS) courses can be selected from all the Elective Subjects.
"Seminars in Polymer Technologies" of at least 3 to max. 7.5 ECTS must be completed in the subject "Elective Track":
- SE Seminar in Polymer Extrusion and Compounding - SE Seminar in Polymer Injection Moulding - SE Seminar in Polymer Product Engineering - SE Seminar in Polymeric Materials and Testing - SE Scientific Tutorial in Polymer Extrusion and Compounding - SE Scientific Tutorial in Polymer Injection Moulding - SE Scientific Tutorial in Polymer Product Engineering - SE Scientific Tutorial in Polymeric Materials and Testing
Untergeordnete Studienfächer, Module und Lehrveranstaltungen