Detailed information |
Pre-requisites |
Original study plan |
Bachelor's programme Sociology 2013W |
Objectives |
After an introduction in thinking in historical dimensions the students shall gain a comprehensive overview concerning the methods of social and economic history, by taking in account the specific requirements of young sociologists.
Subject |
Overview concerning the contents and the history of the subject "Social and Economic History.
knowledge on how to use sources and source repertoires;learning who to interpret the sources in the context of social, economic and cultural history. Methods and techniques to handle topics with social and economic historical background (bibliographies, citation, researches etc).
Criteria for evaluation |
Attendance Participation Papers Homework assignments presentation
Methods |
Lectures by instructor (introduction, overviews) and permanent embeddings referring to specific themes. Concerning practice: autonomous attemts to research on the part of the students, guidance by indtructor. Offering of practices, preparation of specific topics. Excursions and specific experiences of social and economic historical topics.
Language |
German |
Study material |
basic literature (not obligatory)
Rolf Walter, Einführung in die Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte, Köln-Wien-Weimar 2008 Günther Schulz (Hg), Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte : Arbeitsgebiete - Probleme - Perspektiven , Stuttgart 2005 Roman Sandgruber, Ökonomie und Politik. Österreichische Wirtschaftsgeschichte vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart, Wien 2005 Sieder, Reinhard: Was heißt Sozialgeschichte? Brüche und Kontinuitäten in der Aneignung des "Sozialen", in: Sozialgeschichte - Alltagsgeschichte. Historicum. Zeitschrift für Geschichte 19 (1990), 14-23
Changing subject? |
Yes |
Further information |
Permanent character, willingness to engage in discussions, no final test