The students...
... understand the objectives and methodological approach of process management.
... know the characteristics and types of processes and the process life cycle.
... know the most common management systems and process management tools (Lean, Six Sigma, Kaizen, TQM).
... understand the role of digitalization in the automation and standardization of processes.
... can apply selected methods and techniques of process optimization.
... understand the basics of business process optimization and can develop and implement recommendations for business process optimization.
... have the competence to analyze a company's value chain and continuously improve it in terms of efficiency and effectiveness.
... have the competence to take a holistic view of process optimization and to involve all stakeholders involved in changes in order to sustainably improve value creation in the company.
... can apply process management methods to systematically and structurally promote sustainability in organizations.
- Basics of process management
- Process and organizational optimization
- Innovation impulses of the digital transformation
- Process management and sustainability