(*) Unfortunately this information is not available in english.
Education level
Study areas
Responsible person
Hours per week
Coordinating university
M2 - Master's programme 2. year
Bernad Batinic
2 hpw
Johannes Kepler University Linz
Detailed information
(*)keine (die Zulassung zum Masterstudium Psychologie vorausgesetzt)
Original study plan
Master's programme Psychology (focus in Technology and Economy) 2024W
Students acquire basic theoretical knowledge in the field of science communication, interdisciplinary work and the associated challenges of scientific research. They reflect on current developments in this area (e.g. open science, citizen science) as well as on their own actions as representatives of their discipline. They train their communication skills both in the presentation of research results and in the context of individual diagnostic feedback.
Criteria for evaluation
(*)In Abhängigkeit vom didaktischen Konzept wird eines oder werden mehrere der folgenden Kriterien angewendet: Anwesenheit, Mitarbeit, Klausuren, Hausübungen, Literaturarbeiten, Inputreferate, Präsentationen.