
[ 986CAINRS3S19 ] SE RS3: Research toolkit II

Workload Education level Study areas Responsible person Hours per week Coordinating university
4 ECTS M1 - Master's programme 1. year Business Administration Robert Breitenecker 2 hpw Johannes Kepler University Linz
Detailed information
Pre-requisites SE BC2: Induction: Team development UND SE BC1: Foundations of management UND KS BC3: Foundations of management science
Original study plan Master's programme Leadership and Innovation in Organizations 2024W
  1. Students gain an overview of the qualitative research process
  2. Students understand the potentials and conditions of use for different qualitative research methods and designs
  3. Students understand the typical biases and problems which tend to affect qualitative researchers
  4. Students know how to design and conduct an own empirical research study
  5. Students learn to use assess and use different sources of qualitative data such as archival data, online data or interview data
  6. Students practice how qualitative data can be analyzed, interpreted and documented

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this course/seminar, the students will be able to:

  • LO1: Recall theoretical and methodological knowledge for systematically “finding things out”. [subject knowledge]
  • LO2: Differentiate between quantitative and qualitative methodologies and between different approaches within qualitative methodologies. [subject knowledge]
  • LO3: Apply selected research methods and methodologies systematically to specific empirical problems. [practical oriented skills]
  • LO4: Discuss and evaluate social and ethical issues relation to research methodologies both qualitative and quantitative. [cognitive & transferable skills; intellectual skills]
  • LO5: Design and conduct an empirical study based on a concrete research question. [practical oriented skills]
Subject Students of this course will become familiar with qualitative research approaches in the field of business studies and learn about different methods of qualitative data collection and analysis. Students will gain an understanding of what constitutes a good research design and will practically apply some methods of data collection and analysis. The overarching aim of this course is to help students to better understand and critically reflect on empirical research based on different methods based on a better understanding of the different underlying epistemologies and research techniques in quantitative and qualitative research traditions.
Criteria for evaluation Presence in class is mandatory.

The grade is based on different assessment categories

  • Group Task 1: Students have to prepare a factsheet on a given research design perspective based on two core readings. The findings have to be presented and discussed in class 3 (20 points max., 10 points min.)
  • Group Task 2: Students have to prepare a factsheet on a given method of data collection. The findings have to be presented and discussed in class 4 (20 points max., 10 points min.)
  • Individual Task: Students have to prepare a poster presentation with a qualitative research design for their master’s thesis topic. If the actual topic is quantitative or literature-based, think about a possible research question and design for a qualitative empirical study. The poster should
    • Specify the research question and justify why this question is interesting and relevant
    • Critically discuss the chosen epistemological research perspective
    • Define and justify the selection of chosen methods
    • Reflect about how the quality criteria of good research practice in qualitative research can be reached

The poster will be presented in the last class. Students present their preliminary ideas and receive peer feedback. (40 points max., 20 points min.)

  • Participating in discussions and groupwork: Students have to participate actively in the course sessions and in group work, which includes giving detailed feedback to the other groups’ presentations. (20 points max., 10 points min.)

To pass this course, in each category the minimum amount of points must be reached. If so, total points translate into the final grade as follows:

100-87Excellent “Sehr Gut”
86-75Good "Gut"
74-63Satisfying "Befiredigend"
62-50Sufficient "Genügend"
49-0Fail "Nicht Genügend"
Methods This course uses a seminar-based teaching approach with a mixture of lectures, practical exercises and reading-informed group work. An important part is the development of a theory-based research design for a self-selected empirical research question.

Teaching methods include the following:

  • Teacher-centred information inputs, supported by slides and literature
  • Self-directed learning, supported by literature
  • Large and small group discussions and analysis, debates
  • Short student presentations of factsheets on research methodologies and research methods
Language English
Study material
  • Creswell, J.W. (2013). Qualitative Inquiry. Sage
  • Silverman, D. (2015). Interpreting Qualitative Data. Sage.
  • Maxwell, J. A. (2013). Interactive Approaches to Qualitative Research Design. The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research Design, 41.
  • Various articles from journals

(Relevant materials can be retrieved from MOODLE and/or will be announced in class.)

Changing subject? No
On-site course
Maximum number of participants 20
Assignment procedure Direct assignment