
[ 929MASTMTSS20 ] SE Master's Thesis Seminar

Workload Education level Study areas Responsible person Hours per week Coordinating university
10 ECTS M2 - Master's programme 2. year Social Science Margitta Mätzke 3 hpw (*)JKU/TAU
Detailed information
Original study plan Master's programme Comparative Social Policy and Welfare 2024W
Objectives The MA Thesis Seminar is designed to support students in the initial stages of their Master's Thesis. It provides support and feedback in selecting a topic for the master's thesis, writing and defending the MA Thesis proposal, and it accompanies the transition from planning and designing an MA Thesis project to actually conducting the research and writing the thesis. Upon successful completion of the MA Thesis Seminar, students will have...

  • ... derived and conceptualized their research question and developed a convincing rationale for pursuing it in terms of its practical and theoretical significance,
  • ... demonstrated the ability to write a literature review of the literature pertinent to their topic and research question as well as their ability to situate their study and intended contribution within the context of that literature,
  • ... made decisions about their conceptual arguments and/or empirical research strategy and justified those decisions,
  • ... demonstrated their ability to critically reflect on and discuss research problems and their implementation in MA thesis projects, and
  • ... shown great care in dealing with issues of intellectual property of scientific ideas and discover-ies, as well as intellectual authorship in the use of state-of-the-art AI-based tools.
Subject The joint sessions of the MA Thesis seminar provide a forum for the presentation and in-depth discussion of the thesis proposals. The MA Thesis seminar during the subsequent semester supplies guidance in the process of revising the thesis proposal and moving from the proposal toward actual conceptual and empirical work on the Master‘s Thesis itself.
Criteria for evaluation Active participation and commentary of fellow students‘ work in the classroom section of the Master‘s Thesis Seminar. Master‘s Thesis proposal and revision of the proposal.
Methods Presentation of the Master‘s thesis proposal during the Intensive Program; discussion and defense of the proposal. Revision of the proposal and moving from the proposal toward the Master‘s Thesis, supported by the supervisor of the Master‘s Thesis and the instructor of the Master‘s Thesis seminar.
Language English
Study material Readings and Assignments are provided by the instructor.
Changing subject? No
Earlier variants They also cover the requirements of the curriculum (from - to)
929THESMTSS14: SE Master's Thesis Seminar (2014W-2020S)
On-site course
Maximum number of participants 30
Assignment procedure Assignment according to priority