
KS (*)International Logistics and Supply Chain Management

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Workload Ausbildungslevel Studienfachbereich VerantwortlicheR Semesterstunden Anbietende Uni
3 ECTS M2 - Master 2. Jahr Betriebswirtschaftslehre Werner Auer-Rizzi 2 SSt University of Victoria
Quellcurriculum Masterstudium Joint Master's Program Global Business - Canada/Taiwan 2020W
Ziele (*)The goal of this class is to help students to develop critical thinking skills that can be applied to the diagnosis and solution of strategic problems that arise in the field of Logistics & Supply Chain Management. This is an advanced class and you will be expected to have a working knowledge of basic statistics and business management; you will also be expected to express your ideas in writing clearly and concisely. If you find that you are having trouble with the basic mathematical tools or with the writing, please come to see me in my office as soon as possible.
By completion of this class you will develop an understanding of the main issues involved in the design and management of international supply chains in the turbulent environment that characterizes modern business operations. Namely, you should be able to:
a) Understand how to approach the complexity of global supply networks both from a tactical as well as a strategic perspective
b) Develop the ability to evaluate the risks and opportunities associated with globalization of supply chains
c) Acquire a set of tools and frameworks that represent state-of-the-art, scientifically-based management thinking
d) Gain insights into the factors that separate world-class organizations and practices from the rest
e) Enhance both oral and written communication through continuous in class discussions and written reports
Students will vary in their competency levels on these abilities. You can expect to acquire these abilities only if you honor all course policies, attend classes regularly, complete all the assigned work in good faith and on time, and meet all other course expectations of you as a student.
Lehrinhalte (*)Introduction to Supply Chain Management
Inventory Management
Supply Chain Design: Make-or-Buy and Sourcing Decisions
Global Location
CSR and traceability in Supply Chain Management
Beurteilungskriterien (*)Requirements for Graded Work:

Before each class starts you will have to answer a brief online quiz on the case and/or the readings assigned for that class. I will post the link on B-Link in advance. These assignments will be worth 20% of your grade and the questions will provide you with guidance for in-class discussion. I strongly encourage you to discuss cases and readings with your classmates and to share insights for class preparation.

Your Harvard Business Publishing course pack includes a supply chain simulation. I will activate the simulation on the class period before the one in which the simulation is due. Along with completing the simulation, you will turn in a short report (1 page of text plus exhibits, Times New Roman, double-spaced, 11 or 12 points, 1-inch margins) in which you will discuss what you surmised is the best strategy to achieve the goals of the simulation and why. 70% of your mark on the simulation will be given by your performance and 30% by your report. The simulation is worth 40% of your grade. Remember to include in your report the username that you used for accessing the simulation.

Final Exam:
A written, in-class exam will be administered. The exam will be comprehensive and will pose questions relative to the material covered in class and in the readings. The exam will be closed book and closed notes, but you will be allowed one letter size, double sided, “cheat sheet” on which you can put anything you like. You will have the whole class period available to complete the test. The final exam is worth 30% of your grade.

Attendance and Participation:
The University of Victoria Calendar states: “Students are expected to attend all classes in which they are enrolled.” Attending class is an important part of the learning process in this course. Attendance exposes you to material not in the readings, to your classmates' insights and helps clarify material that can lead to better performance in the course.

This class is heavily based on material that emerges from in-class discussion and we will need to cover a significant amount of material in a short time period. It is very important for you to be present in class and to participate in discussions and activities. You should always notify me of any absence before class.

Lehrmethoden (*)The course consists of weekly lectures with a reading assignment in every class. Given the limited time at our disposal it is extremely important that you come prepared to class, having read the assigned material. Rather than spending excessive class time on lecturing, I will assume that you learned what you could from the readings and I will spend class time on discussions and activities aimed at clarifying and deepening your understanding of the issues.

Remember that I often cold call and always expect you to be an active contributor to the discussions. Participation will be evaluated on quantity and quality of the contributions: do not always stay quiet but also avoid intervening with comments that do not significantly add to the discussion.

Literatur (*)HBS Course pack:
Articles and other course material are available online from the University of Victoria Library
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