
[ 973LHRCMACS24 ] SE Digital Transformation: Managing Change

Workload Education level Study areas Responsible person Hours per week Coordinating university
4 ECTS M1 - Master's programme 1. year Business Administration Claudio Biscaro 2 hpw Johannes Kepler University Linz
Detailed information
Pre-requisites KS Advances in Leadership, Human Resource Management, and Change
Original study plan Master's programme Management 2024W
Objectives This course aims to:

  • Analyzing experiences with IT (digitalization) and change projects.
  • Contemporary literature.
  • Role of business and management fads.
  • Theoretical concepts as foundation for change concepts.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this course, the students will be able to:

  • LO1: Reflect on digitization, digitalization and the importance of organizational change (digital transformation).
  • LO2: Compare theoretical concepts (paradigms) about organizations, groups and individuals and learn to apply these concepts in the context of change.
  • LO3: Analyze the paradigms and the ideological foundation of recent management fads.
  • LO4: Evaluate different consulting approaches and the consulter assignment in digitalization and digital transformation projects.
  • LO5: Create change concepts for digitalization and digital transformation projects.
Subject This course aims at providing a profound theoretical basis of Change Management, including the effects of digitalization on organizations.


  • Digitization, digitalization and digital transformation
  • different theoretical concepts (paradigms) about management and organizational change
  • paradigms and the ideological foundation of recent management fads
  • different roles of management in change projects
  • consulting approaches
  • change concepts
Criteria for evaluation Scoring system:
The assessment strategy follows an adaptive learning design including motivational strategies. A total of 100 points can be achieved in this course.

Range of assessment methods:
The range of assessment methods for the points distribution consists of:

  1. Evaluation of group work and presentations (40 points) (LO2, LO3)
  2. Individual assessment of course participation (20 points) (LO1 – LO5)
  3. Reflection paper after course (40 points) (LO1- LO5)

The code of ethics for all tasks:

  1. Appreciate and respect each other
  2. Work together
  3. learn from each other
  4. Discuss together
Methods The learning and teaching strategy aims to combine reflection of the individual experiences, case studies, literature studies and theoretical inputs. The reflections and literature studies in groups between the three seminar dates are discussed on the basis of contemporary management theories.

  • Interactive
  • Group discussions
  • Presentations
Language English
Study material Compulsory reading; Analyzing concerning paradigms and presentation:
Robertson, B. J. (2015). Holacracy - The Revolutionary Management System That Abolishes Hierarchy. Penguin

Supplementary Reading:
Hasenzagl, R. (2020): Management als Profession. Schäffer Poeschel (translated parts)

Changing subject? No
Further information For quality assurance and improvement purposes, please participate in all JKU course evaluations and surveys!
Earlier variants They also cover the requirements of the curriculum (from - to)
973DLHRMACS19: SE Digital Transformation: Managing Change (2019W-2024S)
On-site course
Maximum number of participants 25
Assignment procedure Assignment according to priority