
[ 973MAMABPIS24 ] SE Interdisciplinary Business Project Marketing Management

Workload Education level Study areas Responsible person Hours per week Coordinating university
8 ECTS M2 - Master's programme 2. year Business Administration Thomas Werani 4 hpw Johannes Kepler University Linz
Detailed information
Pre-requisites SE Advanced Topics in B2B-Marketing UND SE Consumer Insights and Relationship Marketing UND SE Contemporary Issues in Marketing Management
Original study plan Master's programme Management 2024W
  • Enable students to integrate marketing theories and concepts with practical application to B2B problems.
  • Equip students with the ability to cope with constructive criticism from project advisors.
  • Guide students to present their problem solutions to the management boards of the partner companies.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this seminar, the students will be able to:

  • LO1: Outline and identify the state of research in a respective topic with sound literature review. [subject knowledge]
  • LO2: Analyze and discuss the challenges of B2B markets. [subject knowledge]
  • LO3: Based on state-of-the-art knowledge perform insightful analysis, apply appropriate conceptual and analytical capabilities and develop appropriate problem-solving approaches. [cognitive/analytical]
  • LO4: Demonstrate the ability to combine self-study and effective group work to successfully develop solutions for practical marketing problems in B2B markets. [intellectual/cognitive]
  • LO5: Actively take part in (online) interactive meetings to demonstrate research skills and methodological competencies. [intellectual/cognitive]
  • LO6: Develop the ability to cope with time pressure and criticism constructively. [transferable skills]
  • LO7: Apply interdisciplinary thinking and acting. [transferable skills]
  • LO8: Provide companies with a practical solution to their prevailing marketing problems that is derived from a conceptual foundation. Propose a solution that is workable and withstands reality. [transferable/practical skills]
  • LO9: Prove the ability to interact with corporate representatives on a professional level and to present and communicate the results on a proficient level. [professional/practical skills]
Subject Students are supposed to acquire the ability to solve practical marketing problems in business-to-business (B2B) markets on the basis of the marketing knowledge and the analytical capabilities they have acquired during their studies. Therefore, they will work on topics that are prevailing problems provided by voestalpine Steel Division (Linz), Fronius International GmbH (Wels), KEBA AG (Linz) and Greiner AG (Kremsmünster).

  • Internal kick-off meeting to set out the seminar logic, present the topics and assign the groups.
  • External kick-off meeting (detailed project briefing) with representatives from voestalpine Steel Division, Fronius International GmbH, KEBA AG and Greiner AG, who together with the academic instructors act as project advisors.
  • Development and discussion of a project concept.
  • Two progress presentations and additional feedback sessions aimed at supporting students in finding adequate problem solutions.
  • Trial presentation in order to prepare for the final presentation.
  • Final presentation of the developed solutions in the presence of representatives from the management boards of all partner companies.
Criteria for evaluation A maximum of 100 points can be achieved in the seminar. To pass the seminar students have to acquire at least 50 percent of the total points in each of the four following assessment categories:

1. Seminar paper (group effort) The written paper is worth a maximum of 60 points, with 30 points necessary for a passing grade.

Assessment of the conceptual part of the seminar paper: To what degree is there a sound literature review that reflects the state of the research in the respective topic? Assessment of the problem solution part of the seminar paper: To what degree is there a feasible solution for the partner companies building on the paper’s conceptual part?

2. Final presentation (group effort) The final presentation is worth a maximum of 20 points, with 10 points necessary for a passing grade.

To what degree is there a consistent, well-argued and practice-oriented presentation of the problem solution?

3. Documentation of the seminar (group effort) The documentation of the seminar is worth a maximum of 10 points, with 5 points necessary for a passing grade.

To what degree is there a critical reflection on how the project was done over the semester?

During the semester each group has to document the seminar from its point of view on the basis of short video sequences. Each group defines what is considered to be relevant or interesting. At the end of the semester, each group has to develop a story board and produce a video. Based on the produced videos, the partner companies and the Institute for Retailing, Sales and Marketing will decide how they can use the material for communication purposes.

Students will work in groups for the duration of the seminar and group effort, therefore, will be the main assessment pillar. However, individual contribution to the group effort will be assessed at the end of the seminar through a peer review. The lecturers will match the evaluation of a student group (peer review) with their evaluation of the group´s performance which might lead to an individual assessment of the seminar paper, the final presentation, and the documentation of the seminar.

4. Individual student performance During the seminar there are a number of presentations and meetings. All group members are expected to play an active role at all appointments. The individual student performance during the seminar is worth a maximum of 10 points, with 5 points necessary for a passing grade. To what degree do students have adequate presentation skills? To what degree do they actively participate in meetings?

Synchronization of learning outcomes and assessments:

  • LO1: Seminar paper (group effort)
  • LO2: Seminar paper (group effort)
  • LO3: Seminar paper (group effort)
  • LO4: Seminar paper (group effort)
  • LO5: Individual student performance
  • LO6: Seminar paper (group effort) + documentation of the seminar (group effort)
  • LO7: Seminar paper (group effort)
  • LO8: Seminar paper (group effort) + final presentation (group effort)
  • LO9: Individual student performance + final presentation (group effort)
Methods The seminar is based on linking self-study and group work with inputs from both university and company advisors. While self-study and group work aim at developing real-world problem solutions based on a sound literature review, the project advisors’ task is to guide students through the problem-solving process in order to focus on the right track. In addition to self-directed learning, the teaching and learning methods include briefings, presentations, report discussions and additional “mentoring jokers”.

  • 7 hrs briefings
  • 25 hrs presentations
  • 10 hrs report discussions
  • 158 hrs independent study

Additional mentoring jokers: Students are privileged to utilize an unlimited number of “mentoring jokers” where specific questions or problems can be discussed with the lecturers.

Language English
Study material Turabian, K. (2007): A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations. London: The University of Chicago Press. Relevant chapters: 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 15

Kotler, Philip, Keller, Kevin Lane, Chernev, Alexander (2022): Marketing Management. Global/16th Edition. Person: Harlow (England).

Changing subject? Yes
Further information For quality assurance and improvement purposes, please participate in all JKU course evaluations and surveys!
Earlier variants They also cover the requirements of the curriculum (from - to)
973MGDWBPIS23: SE Interdisciplinary Business Project Marketing and International Marketing (2023W-2024S)
973MGDWBPMS19: SE Interdisciplinary Business Project Marketing and Global Marketing (2019W-2023S)
On-site course
Maximum number of participants 25
Assignment procedure Assignment according to priority