Detailed information |
Original study plan |
Bachelor's programme Social Economics 2022W |
Objectives |
After completing the basic module „Basics in Public and Nonprofit Management", students are familiar with the special features of institutions in the public and private nonprofit sectors. They recognize (at least exemplarily) which effects these special characteristics have for the management of these organizations, especially in which areas management knowledge can be taken over from the business sector and where adaptations may be necessary.
In addition, they will acquire knowledge in those
management areas that are not relevant for profit-oriented organizations. Finally, they become aware of possibilities for collaboration between institutions in the "market, government, and nonprofit sectors" and know why and how services in the public interest are created in institutional networks.
Further information |
(*)Um dieses betriebswirtschaftliche Schwerpunktfach abzuschließen, müssen die beiden Module im Umfang von 12 ECTS, die LVA KS Grundlagen des integrierten Managements im Ausmaß 3 ECTS und eine der sechs angeführten LVAs im Ausmaß von 3 ECTS absolviert werden.
Im gewählten Schwerpunktfach absolvierte Lehrveranstaltungen können nicht im Rahmen des Pflichtfaches "Weiterführende Themen der Betriebswirtschaftslehre" verwendet werden.