
[ 572SDIG20 ] Subject Area of Specialization in Digitalization

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Workload Mode of examination Education level Study areas Responsible person Coordinating university
18 ECTS Accumulative subject examination B2 - Bachelor's programme 2. year Business Administration Nicole Schneeweis Johannes Kepler University Linz
Detailed information
Original study plan Bachelor's programme Economics and Business 2024W
Objectives The advancing digitization offers companies numerous opportunities but also poses new challenges. Vast amounts of data become available, yet they need to be collected and analyzed. The costs of many economic activities are decreasing (such as search costs to find the right product or suitable employees, or reputation costs to objectively assess the behavior of companies or employees), which can also lead to intensified competition. Students learn to grapple with the consequences of digitization and analyze the resulting data volume. Methods from business informatics and microeconomics are applied, and a holistic approach is ensured through a business perspective.

The students possess knowledge about the structure and potentials of digital business as well as the impacts of digitization on the economy and society. They are familiar with business models in the digital business and learn to develop concepts for digital transformation measures. The students are familiar with methods and tools for data and process modeling, as well as languages for process representation, data manipulation, querying, and analysis. They can think in a process-oriented manner and are familiar with methods for business process and communication modeling.

Further information (*)Es ist wahlweise der Minor „Daten- und Prozessmodellierung“ oder der Minor „Digital Business Management & Transformation“ zu absolvieren.
Subordinated subjects, modules and lectures