(*) Unfortunately this information is not available in english.
Education level
Study areas
Responsible person
Hours per week
Coordinating university
B2 - Bachelor's programme 2. year
Computer Science
Alois Ferscha
2 hpw
Johannes Kepler University Linz
Detailed information
Original study plan
Bachelor's programme Computer Science 2021S
Students are familiar with the most important advanced algorithms and data structures such as searching based on trees and hashing. Additionally, they understand the principle of graphs and learn how to implement graph structures. Students know advanced graph algorithms for finding structure properties and for analyzing interaction patterns in community graphs. Additionally, they understand basic concepts of optimization using evolutionary and PRAM algorithms. Finally, they are able to create problem specific solutions, based on the knowledge, the transformation and the combination of approved algorithms.
The lecture is independent of programming languages. Topics are:
Randomized Algorithms
Search Trees
Distributed Hashing
Social Graphs
Power Law/Epidemic Spread
Evolutionary Algorithms
Document Graphs
PRAM Algorithms
Criteria for evaluation
Exam at the end of term
Slide-based presentation
English and French
Study material
Slides will be available in the course section in Moodle.
Additional literature will be announced in the course.
Changing subject?
Corresponding lecture
(*)INBPDVOALG2: VO Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen 2 (3 ECTS)