[ 220KTKWTP1V23 ] VL Technologies of Polymer Processing 1: Introduction
Workload |
Education level |
Study areas |
Responsible person |
Hours per week |
Coordinating university |
2,5 ECTS |
B2 - Bachelor's programme 2. year |
(*)Kunststofftechnik |
Gerald Berger-Weber |
2 hpw |
Johannes Kepler University Linz |
Detailed information |
Original study plan |
Bachelor's programme Sustainable Polymer Engineering & Circular Economy 2024W |
Objectives |
Students will be able to:
- Replicate the most important thermal material properties, their symbols and their SI units (thermal conductivity, density, specific heat capacity, specific enthalpy) for all material classes.
- Estimate basic thermal material parameters without a calculator.
- Prepare graphs of thermal material properties as well as specific volume, viscosity and flow curves for different classes of plastics and label them correctly.
- Outline and explain common methods for determining the flow characteristics of plastics.
- Describe the flow behavior of plastics phenomenologically.
- Outline and explain the basic design of plastics processing machines and major subcomponents (screw/barrel, die/tool).
- Sketch the basic curves of state variables (pressure, temperature, ...) in plastics processing equipment for various applications and justify the differences, as well as select measurement technology required for determination.
- Describe the most common processing methods extrusion, injection molding, blow molding, thermoforming and classify subtypes of them.
Subject |
- Introduction to thermodynamics and rheology of plastics.
- Basic processing properties of polymers.
- Introduction to the main polymer conversion (=plastics processing) methods such as extrusion, injection molding, blow molding, thermoforming.
- Introduction to measurement and control technology of plastics processing machines.
Criteria for evaluation |
Written exam at the end of the course
Methods |
Language |
(*)Deutsch, wahlweise Englisch |
Study material |
- Hopman, Greif und Wolters (2021): Technologie der Kunststoffe. Lern- und Arbeitsbuch für die Aus- und Weiterbildung
- Hopman, Michaeli (2017): Einführung in die Kunststoffverarbeitung
- Bonten (2020): Kunststofftechnik.Einführung und Grundlagen
- Bird, Steward and Lightfoot (1960, 2007): Transport Phenomena
- Mc Kelvey (1962): Polymer Processing
- Middleman (1977) Fundamentals of Polymer Processing
- Fenner (1979): Principles of Polymer Processing
- Tadmor, Gogos (1979, 2006): Principles of Polymer Processing
- Bernhardt, Tucker (1989): Fundamentals of Computer Modeling for Polymer
- Baird; Dimitris (1989): Polymer Processing, Principles and Design
- Agassant, Avenas, Sergent, Carreau (1991) Polymer Processing, Principles and Modeling
- Osswald et al. (2006): Polymer Processing. Modeling and Simulation
- Rauwendaal (2001): Polymer Extrusion
- Osswald, Hernandez-Ortiz (2006): Polymer Processing, Modeling and Simulation
- Chang Dae Han (2007): Rheology and Processing of Polymeric Materials
Changing subject? |
No |
Further information |
This course is held either in German or English in consultation with the students. At least, lecture notes or book recommendations will be provided in German and English. The examination can be taken in either German or English.
On-site course |
Maximum number of participants |
- |
Assignment procedure |
Direct assignment |