
[ 863MODBAPH24 ] Module Animal Physiology

Workload Mode of examination Education level Study areas Responsible person Coordinating university
3 ECTS Accumulative module examination M1 - Master's programme 1. year (*)Biologische Chemie Jan Streba USB Budweis
Detailed information
Original study plan Master's programme Biological Chemistry 2024W
Objectives Composition of the body; respiration; fluid circulation; excretion of waste substances; movement; senses, communication and signaling; hormones and pheromones; toxins; digestion and nutrition.
Subject A zoology course especially for students who do not intend to pursue zoology further, following on from the Biology of Animals course. Aimed at undergraduate students in Biological Chemistry and students who intend to further study experimental biology and biomedicine. The course aims to introduce students to the main organ systems, physiological functions, and defense mechanisms, including toxins.]
Further information Criteria for valuation To pass the exam, student needs to score 50% in a written exam consisting of four questions.

Methods Monologic, lecture

Study Material Randall, David J.; Burggren, Warren W.,; French, Kathleen. Eckert animal physiology : mechanisms and adaptations. 5th ed. New York : Freeman, 2002. ISBN 0-7167-3863-5.', 'Christopher D. Moyes, Patricia M. Schulte. Principles of Animal Physiology. Pearson, 2016. ISBN 9780133965308

Subordinated subjects, modules and lectures