[ 491INCHPC1V19 ] VL (*)Photochemistry 1
(*) Leider ist diese Information in Deutsch nicht verfügbar. |
Workload |
Ausbildungslevel |
Studienfachbereich |
VerantwortlicheR |
Semesterstunden |
Anbietende Uni |
1,5 ECTS |
M2 - Master 2. Jahr |
Chemie |
Uwe Monkowius |
1 SSt |
Johannes Kepler Universität Linz |
Detailinformationen |
Quellcurriculum |
Masterstudium Chemistry and Chemical Technology (CCT) 2021W |
Ziele |
(*)Presentation of fundamental terminology and concepts used in molecular photophysics and photochemistry.
Lehrinhalte |
(*)Interaction of radiation with matter. Difference between thermal and photochemical processes. Fundamental laws of photochemistry. Classification of chromophores and excited states. Creation and detection of excited state species. Jablonski diagram, Franck-Condon principle, potential energy hypersurfaces. Selection rules. Qualitative description of fluorescence, phosphorescence and non-radiative processes (internal conversion, intersystem crossing). Lifetimes and quantum yields.
Beurteilungskriterien |
(*)Exam (written).
Lehrmethoden |
(*)Lecture with combined blackboard and slide presentation.
Abhaltungssprache |
Englisch |
Literatur |
(*)“Glossary of Terms used in Photochemistry“, 3rd Edition, Pure Appl.Chem., Vol. 79, No. 3, pp. 293-465, 2007. V. Balzani, P. Ceroni, A. Juris, „Photochemistry and Photophysics“ 2014. N. J. Turro, V. Ramamurthy, J. C. Scaiano “Principles of Molecular Photochemistry – An Introduction”, University Science Books 2009. P. Suppan “Chemistry and Light”, Royal Society of Chemistry, 1994.
Lehrinhalte wechselnd? |
Nein |
Sonstige Informationen |
(*)It is highly recommended to complete this course with the subsequent lecture "Photochemistry 2" in order to reach a more in-depth coverage of the topic.
Äquivalenzen |
(*)in collaboration with 491ESYNPC2V19: VL Photochemistry II (1.5 ECTS) equivalent to 863ADCHPHCV10: VL Photochemistry (2.6 ECTS)
Präsenzlehrveranstaltung |
Teilungsziffer |
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Zuteilungsverfahren |
Direktzuteilung |