Detailed information |
Original study plan |
Master's programme Mechatronics 2022W |
Objectives |
Students have in-depth knowledge of the kinematics and dynamics of robots and general multibody systems comprising rigid and elastic components. They are able to apply the modeling concepts to complex robotic systems.
Subject |
Modeling of rigid and flexible robots and multibody systems, analytic and synthetic methods, subsystem modeling, computational solution algorithms
Criteria for evaluation |
Written exam
Methods |
Blackboard and slide presentation
Language |
German |
Study material |
- Lecture notes Höhere Kinetik -Mehrkörpersysteme
- Bremer, H.: Dynamik und Regelung mechanischer Systeme, Teubner 1988
- Bremer, H., Pfeiffer, F.: Elastische Mehrkörpersysteme, Teubner 1992
- Bremer, H.: Elastic Multibody Dynamics - A Direct Ritz Approach, Springer 2008
- JKU KUSSS and/or Moodle
Changing subject? |
No |
Corresponding lecture |
(*)MEMPBKVHKMK: KV Höhere Kinetik - Mehrkörpersysteme (3 ECTS)