
[ 445IWMEKFPP23 ] PR Design and Manufacture Project

Workload Education level Study areas Responsible person Hours per week Coordinating university
3 ECTS M1 - Master's programme 1. year (*)Maschinenbau Christoph Kralovec 2 hpw Johannes Kepler University Linz
Detailed information
Original study plan Master's programme Mechanical Engineering 2023W
Objectives Students understand the basic principle of operation of machine elements and are able to combine the principle of operation into assemblies and apply it to a given task. They are able to understand the interrelationships and functions of machines and independently assess and optimize them with regard to a given task using technical literature. Based on previous analyses and evaluations, students are able to design and manufacture simple mechanical engineering solutions.
Subject Designing solutions to mechanical engineering problems using typical machine elements; Designing mechanical engineering elements and assemblies in accordance with technical standards; Preparing technical drawings in accordance with technical standards; Mechanical production and assembly of simple machine elements and assemblies; Testing machine elements and assemblies in the laboratory; Technical documentation
Criteria for evaluation Load appropriate design and standard-compliant technical documentation; diligence and scope of the documentation of the technical solution; quality of the component production and assembly; successful functional verification of the technical solution in the laboratory
Methods Independent solution of mechanical engineering tasks in small groups; slide presentations to present the task and to convey relevant theoretical principles; provision of technical literature; self-study of standards and technical literature on the design of machines and their elements; preparation of standard-compliant technical drawings for the production of components and component groups; training on machines and tools of the Open Innovation Lab Maschinenbau; largely independent production of components; laboratory tests to verify the function of the task; complete technical documentation in the form of a report
Language German
Study material Wittel, Herbert, et al. Roloff/Matek Maschinenelemente. Vol. 25. Springer Vieweg, 2021. DIN 3990 Teil 5. (1987, Dezember). Tragfähigkeitsberechnung von Stirnrädern - Dauerfestigkeitswerte und Werkstoffqualität. Deutsches Institut für Normung DIN 3990 Teil 11. (1989, Februar). Tragfähigkeitsberechnung von Stirnrädern - Anwendungsnorm für Industriegetriebe Detail-Methode. Deutsches Institut für Normung DIN 3964. (1980, November). Achsabstandsabmaße und Achstoleranzen von Geehäusen für Stirnradgetriebe. Deutsches Institut für Normung DIN 7190 Teil 1. (2017, Februar). Pressverbände - Teil 1: Berechnungsgrundlagen und Gestaltungsregeln für zylindrische Pressverbände. Deutsches Institut für Normung DIN 743. (2012, Dezember). Tragfähigkeitsberechnung von Wellen und Achsen. Deutsches Institut für Normung
Changing subject? No
On-site course
Maximum number of participants 15
Assignment procedure Assignment according to priority