
[ 480ADPT24 ] Subject Advanced Polymer Technologies

Workload Mode of examination Education level Study areas Responsible person Coordinating university
24,5 ECTS Accumulative subject examination M2 - Master's programme 2. year (*)Kunststofftechnik Gerald Berger-Weber Johannes Kepler University Linz
Detailed information
Original study plan Master's programme Sustainability and Plastics Management (SPM) 2024W
Objectives The course group "Advanced Polymer Technologies" provides competences in the main fields of polymer technologies on an advanced level. The courses provide a more in-depth practical and theoretical knowledge of various classes of polymeric materials, of the main processing technologies and of design and product development releted aspects. Special attention is given to structural and functional polymeric materials, polyer extrusion and injection molding, and to conventional and rapid product development procedures. Moreover, the importance and role of polymeric materials in sustainable development scenarios is covered.
Subject The course group "Advanced Polymer Technologies " contains three different sub-groups of courses. The first sub-group is related to polymeric materials as important and innovative class of engineering materials, and proper consideration is given to aspects of sustainable development. It contains the following 2 courses:

Functional Polymeric Materials
Polymeric Materials and Sustainable Development

The second sub-group deals with product development issues and contains the following 2 courses:

Polymer Product Design and Product Engineering 3
Rapid Product Development

The third sub-group deals with the basics of polymer processing technologies and contains 1 course:

Polymer Processing Technologies

Subordinated subjects, modules and lectures