
[ 921CGELCLSK13 ] KV (*)Cloud Security

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Workload Ausbildungslevel Studienfachbereich VerantwortlicheR Semesterstunden Anbietende Uni
3 ECTS M1 - Master 1. Jahr Informatik Stefan Rass 2 SSt Johannes Kepler Universität Linz
Quellcurriculum Masterstudium Computer Science 2022W
Ziele (*)Students understand the principles of cloud computing security and architecture. They know the threats and possible security controls at the different layers of abstraction of the cloud.
Lehrinhalte (*)Basics and architecture of cloud computing, security issues at the various elements involved when employing cloud services, private & public cloud security, security recommendations for cloud systems, selected basic legal issues of cloud computing, security advantages of the cloud, virtualization security and cryptographic mechanisms
Beurteilungskriterien (*)Grading is based on written assignments and student presentations
Lehrmethoden (*)Lecture Presentations, Hands-On Exercises and and student presentations
Abhaltungssprache Englisch
Literatur (*)Slides
Lehrinhalte wechselnd? Nein
Sonstige Informationen (*)
Teilungsziffer -
Zuteilungsverfahren Direktzuteilung