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Fundamentals of physics II:
Electrostatics; electrical currents; magnetic fields; fields of moving charges; magnetostatics; electric and magnetic fields in matter, polarization, induction; alternating current circuits; Maxwell equations and electromagnetic waves, Lorentz transformation of the electrodynamic quantities.
Fundamentals of Physics III:
Maxwell equations, wave equation, refractive index and dispersion; reflexion, transmission and refraction, polarization and anisotropic materials; Fresnel equations; geometrical optics; optical devices; interference and coherence; wave optics; diffraction; guided waves; basics of photonics.
More advanced experiments from mechanics, electricity, optics and thermodynamics; Introductory experiments from solid state physics, atomic and nuclear physics.
Theoretical Mechanics: mechanics of point particles and rigid bodies, constants of motion, analytical mechanics, introduction into mechanics of the continuum, nonlinear dynamics.
Theoretical Electrodynamics: Maxwell's equations, electrostatics and magnetostatics in vacuum and matter, electromagnetic waves (emission and scattering), special theory of relativity.
Literature studies and guided experimental and/or theoretical investigations