
[ 320PHUEPH3K23 ] KV Overview of Physics III: Structure of matter

(*) Unfortunately this information is not available in english.
Workload Education level Study areas Responsible person Hours per week Coordinating university
3 ECTS B1 - Bachelor's programme 1. year Physics Thorsten Wagner 2 hpw Johannes Kepler University Linz
Detailed information
Original study plan Bachelor's programme Fundamentals of Natural Sciences for Technology 2023W
Objectives Introduction to the ways of thinking and solution methods of physics with special consideration of the cross-problem approaches; application of these methods to concrete physical systems from the field of modern physics.
  • Quantum mechanics
  • Quarks, nucleons and nuclei
  • Atoms and molecules
  • Condensed Matter
Criteria for evaluation oral or written exam (to be determined by the lecturer at the beginning of the semester)
Methods Lecture with demo experiments and exercises
Language German
Study material Further (English) literature is recommended in the lecture.

Additional material for the lecture will be provided via the elearn platforms of the JKU (

Changing subject? No
Corresponding lecture (*)ist gemeinsam mit 320PHUEPH1K23: KV Überblick Physik I: Kraft und Energie (3 ECTS) und 320PHUEPH2K23: KV Überblick Physik II: Wellen und Relativität (3 ECTS) äquivalent zu
320PHGREUPU18: UE Einführungsübungen Physik (3 ECTS) + 320PHGRUP1V18: VL Überblick Physik I (2 ECTS) + 320PHGRUP2V18: VL Überblick Physik II (2 ECTS) + 320PHGRUP2V18: VL Überblick Physik III (2 ECTS)
On-site course
Maximum number of participants 25
Assignment procedure Assignment according to priority