Detailed information |
Original study plan |
Bachelor's programme Mechanical Engineering 2023W |
Objectives |
Students know and understand the basic methods of strength assessment of mechanically loaded structural parts and materials. They are proficient in analyzing simple structural elements of machines, devices or plants, and are able to calculate whether the structural parts and materials can resist the applied static and dynamic loads, i.e. do not fail due to fracture and do not suffer damage due to deformation.
Subject |
Material behavior and constitutive laws (plasticity, hardening, statistic nature of strength behavior, strength hypotheses); Selected examples of deformation analysis and stress analysis (notch sensitivity, residual stresses, bearing pressure); Foundations of fatigue strength analysis (Wöhler experiments, damage accumulation, counting methods for load spectra); Foundations of fracture mechanics (K-concept, fracture toughness, crack growth); Foundations of stability analysis (column buckling, snap through behavior, sensitivity to imperfections)
Criteria for evaluation |
Written exam (calculation examples, working time 60 minutes)
Methods |
Slide lecture. As lecture notes the PowerPoint-slides are provided for download. Additional explanations and calculation examples are carried out at the black board.
Language |
German |
Study material |
V. Läpple, Einführung in die Festigkeitslehre, Vieweg+Teubner Verlag, 4th edition, 2016; H. Mang und G. Hofstetter, Festigkeitslehre, Springer Vieweg, 5th edition, 2018; J. Wittenburg and E. Pestel, Festigkeitslehre – Ein Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 3rd edition, 2011; D. Radaj and M. Vormwald, Ermüdungsfestigkeit – Grundlagen für Ingenieure, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 3rd edition, 2007; D. Gross and T. Seelig, Bruchmechanik – Mit einer Einführung in die Mikromechanik, Springer Vieweg, 6th edition, 2016
Changing subject? |
No |