Detailed information |
Original study plan |
Bachelor's programme (*)Betriebswirtschaftslehre 2022W |
Objectives |
The students have knowledge of the foundations of programming concepts and paradigms. They are able to use appropriate programming environments. They have knowledge regarding the syntax of python, data structures (data types, variables, operators, strings, lists, dictionaries) and control structures (case differentiation, clauses, switches and loops), standard I/O, functions and exception handling. They know how to access file systems and have knowledge regarding important libraries for data analysis. Furthermore, they are able to identify the concept of classes, in particular related to java syntax.
Subject |
The students have knowledge of the foundations of programming concepts and paradigms, application of programming environments, syntax of python, data structures (data types, variables, operators, strings, lists, dictionaries) and control structures (case differentiation, clauses, switches and loops), standard I/O, functions and exception handling, file systems, libraries for data analysis, classes, java syntax.
Further information |
The lecture applies a blended learning format, i.e., lecture in class and distance learning. The students are provided in advance with the related material, which is accomplished in class. In addition, there is an accompanying exercise (Übung), which students attend in the same semester. In the exercise part (UE), students receive different tasks and examples (typical problems in software development and data analysis) to solve. This allows students to assess if they are able to apply their knowledge. Possible results of these tasks and examples are discussed in class. For specific topics, there are additional examples and tasks, which are solved together in class. Students have to possibility, to reflect and discuss problems in class.
It is expected that students have basic knowledge in the application of Windows/Mac/Linux and application programs as well as on how to organize directories and files.