
[ 405SUDIIN2S23 ] SE Interim Report II

(*) Unfortunately this information is not available in english.
Workload Education level Study areas Responsible person Hours per week Coordinating university
3 ECTS R - Doctoral programme Human Medicine Clemens Schmitt 2 hpw Johannes Kepler University Linz
Detailed information
Pre-requisites (*)Zulassung zum Doktoratsstudium Medical Sciences Dissertationskolloquium
Interim Report I
Original study plan Doctoral programme Medical Sciences 2024W
Objectives Students present the interim status of their dissertation project with regard to the initial milestone plan and time schedule, their research objectives, their planned methodology and the current state of the art in the literature. In this phase, data collection and data analysis are advanced and first ideas of interpretations, discussion and implications have to be presented. Students receive feedback on current issues regarding the analysis and interpretation of their research. In addidtion, students also have to present and discuss their dissertation project including the key findings to the public at the Kepler Science Day.
Subject Oral and written presentation of the interim status of the dissertation project with special focus on the research results and first ideas regarding the discussion of the results, the implications for the respective field of studies as well as limitations are discussed within the group. This phase is usually reached in the third year of study. Reflexion on their initial milestone plan and time schedule, their research objectives, their planned methodology and the current state of the art in the literature in a retrospective way is expected. Oral presentation and discussion of the dissertation project and the key findings to the public (Kepler Science Day of the Medical Faculty of the JKU) and submission of the corresponding abstract or poster.
Criteria for evaluation Attendance of 80% is mandatory. Oral presentation of the interim status of the dissertation project in line with the course objectives - specific focus has to be on the results and first ideas regarding interpretation, discussion, implications and limitations. Submission of the written abstract or the poster as well as confirmation of the public presentation on the scientific conference (Kepler Science Day) is required. The annual progress report from the Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC) has to be submitted. In case of major revisions during the feedback, a written statement from the supervisors is required. The positive result shall be described as "successful participation", the negative result shall be described as "unsuccessful participation".
Methods Student presentation, feedback, discussion. Public presentation including preparation of an abstract and/or poster.
Language English
Changing subject? Yes
Corresponding lecture (*)405SUDIIN2S21: SE Interim Report II (3 ECTS)
On-site course
Maximum number of participants 20
Assignment procedure Assignment according to priority