
[ 405ERSLSGDS22 ] SE Sex, gender and diversity in medical sciences and practice

(*) Unfortunately this information is not available in english.
Workload Education level Study areas Responsible person Hours per week Coordinating university
3 ECTS R - Doctoral programme Human Medicine Bettina Bock von Wuelfingen 2 hpw Johannes Kepler University Linz
Detailed information
Pre-requisites (*)Zulassung zum Doktoratsstudium Medical Sciences
Original study plan Doctoral programme Medical Sciences 2024W
Objectives Aim of the course is to

  • shift the perspective on research and knowledge: what is knowledge and science, how is it legitimized?
  • gain a meta perspective, relevant to your own work, on sex and gender in the context of disease and illness as well as on gender aspects in medical sciences and care work;
  • gain competence regarding the interaction of society and medicine via the example of current and historical sex/gender-concepts;
  • use the biomedical history of sex/gender as an example of how pre-conceptions work in science generally, how in general cultural backgrounds shape data, research questions, interpretations and results. This fosters the ability to critically evaluate own approaches to one’s own research or medical practice independent of the medical field.
Subject The past twenty years manifested a plethora of changes regarding sex and gender up to the level of law that also affect research, training and practice in medicine (as in all fields where interaction with humans is essential). Transsexuality gained more acceptance, some countries now offer a third sex entry instead of only male and female in IDs and passports for intersex people or those defining themselves as non-binary. Counteracting discrimination on the basis of sex/gender at the workplace as well as actions for equal pay are, not always but more and more often, translated into the infrastructural architecture of our job environments. Still there is a lot to do for diversity in biomedicine. This course uses a history of life sciences approach to introduce into the backgrounds of many of these issues and their relation to health and illness. When did homosexuality appear as an illness? When did it disappear from the International Classification of Diseases? Is infertility a disease? How about trans-sexuality? Up until the end of the 19th century people had to decide what sex they were recently when they married – why did they have to then and why was this changed? For whom is or was intersexuality an illness? In what historic context did female genital hypoplasia appear and disappear? In company to these questions the course introduces into historic backgrounds to the binary sex-gender-system of the end 19th to 20th century. This system also involved/s suggesting specifical ‘natural’ defects and skills as pertaining to each gender, explaining a gendered division of labor (unpaid care skills versus the paid bread winner). We will look at historic attempts to bolster these divisions, which included assumptions about ‘race’, by anatomy and physiology. Finally we’ll look at gendered interactions in work environments and check where the ‘glass ceiling’, the hidden limits to equal pay and power, are today.
Criteria for evaluation written exam; Attendence of 80% is mandatory
Methods Way of working will mostly be your discussion: home text-reading, group work preparing inputs to trigger discussion and plenum- and group discussions.
Language English
Changing subject? No
Earlier variants They also cover the requirements of the curriculum (from - to)
ASMGENDERSE21: SE Sex, Gender and Diversity in Medical Sciences and Practice (2022S-2022S)
On-site course
Maximum number of participants 30
Assignment procedure Assignment according to priority