
[ 405ERSLBMMP23 ] PR Fundamentals in Gold Standard Bioanalytics in Medicine by Mass Spectrometry: from Peptide to Deep Proteome Analyses

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Workload Education level Study areas Responsible person Hours per week Coordinating university
4 ECTS R - Doctoral programme Human Medicine Oliver Drews 4 hpw Johannes Kepler University Linz
Detailed information
Pre-requisites (*)Zulassung zum Doktoratsstudium Medical Sciences Masterstudium Biological Chemistry Masterstudium Molecular Biology
Original study plan Doctoral programme Medical Sciences 2024W
Objectives The course is structured into three parts: seminar, laboratory work & bioinformatics/computational biology. In the seminar you will learn the fundamentals about bioanalyses by mass spectrometry as they find application in clinical chemistry, biomedical research and clinical studies. The seminars are accompanied by a journal club, in which you will present state-of-the-art peer-reviewed publications and discuss the gained knowledge. In the lab, you will apply current methods in preanalytics on protein samples in the preparation for bioanalyses by state-of-the-art LC-MS/MS. Finally, you will utilize scientific software to process MS raw data, resulting in qualitative and quantitative information. Overall, aim is to gain fundamental understanding of the entire workflow for peptide/protein analyses by mass spectrometry.
Subject Bioanalytics / Clinical Chemistry / Bioinformatics / Fundamentals about state-of-the-art workflows in mass spectrometry, ranging for pre- to post-analytics
Criteria for evaluation At minimum, 80% attendance in each part is required. The journal club is successfully completed after presentation and discussion of peer-reviewed publications from the perspective of biomedical application scientists. Lab work is successfully completed at the end of each workflow and quality assessment of processed samples. Suitable samples will be subjected to LC-MS/MS and subsequently processed by participants. Bioinformatics/computational biology is successfully completed after processing raw LC-MS/MS data to the level of qualitative and quantitative data and its presentation. Successful participants will be awarded a Training Certificate in Fundamentals in Gold Standard Bioanalytics in Medicine by Mass Spectrometry: from Peptide to Deep Proteome Analyses.
Methods Hands-on laboratory course accompanied by seminars, journal club and computational lab training.
Language English
Study material e.g. Bioanalytik edited by J Kurreck, JW Engels, F Lottspeich Manuscripts for the journal club will be distributed about two weeks before the beginning of the course.
Changing subject? No
Further information Bringing your own protein sample is encouraged not mandatory. Please contact us for a suitable sample buffer. Hands-on opportunity for liquid handling robotics. Demonstration of real-time bioanalytics by ultra high performance liquid chromatography-coupled nanospray ionization fourier transformed tandem mass spectrometry (UHPLC-NSI-FTMS/MS).
On-site course
Maximum number of participants 12
Assignment procedure Assignment according to priority