
[ 303NAWGBSLV20 ] VL Fundamentals of elements of life

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Workload Education level Study areas Responsible person Hours per week Coordinating university
4 ECTS B1 - Bachelor's programme 1. year Human Medicine David Bernhard 3,75 hpw Johannes Kepler University Linz
Detailed information
Original study plan Bachelor's programme Human Medicine 2024W
Objectives Students will be able to reproduce the basics of physics in the fields of mechanics, electrostatics, thermodynamics and optics (K2). They can name important basics of atomic physics (K2). They develop an understanding of the basic mechanisms of imaging techniques (K2). In the field of chemistry, students can name and explain general chemical principles (K2). They are able to describe principles of chemical equilibrium, basics of kinetics, the acid-base concept and redox chemistry (K2). They can explain the principles of bonds, interactions, functional groups and reactions (K2). They understand the principles of macromolecules and can reproduce the structures and properties of medically relevant active substances (K2). The students can explain the structure (chirality, peptide bond, helices, b-sheet) function (catalysis, allostery, O2 bond) and meaning of proteins, lipids, carbohydrates and nucleic acids and their components (K2). Students can explain the basic metabolic processes (glycolysis, gluconeogenesis, citrate cycle, coricycle) and explain the structure and basic functions of biological membranes (including membrane potential) (K2). The students can explain the information flow of DNA-RNA-protein (K2) and the basics of molecular genetics around structure of DNA, chromosomes and genes including DNA replication, DNA damage and repair mechanisms (K3).
Subject Basics of physics: Introduction (forces, units, basic quantities); mechanics (motion, force, pressure, conservation laws, translation, rotation, work, energy, momentum, oscillations, waves, mechanics of liquids); electrostatics (charges, potential, electric field, voltage, direct current, conductor, resistance, magnetic field, alternating current, electromagnetic waves); Thermodynamics (temperature, internal energy, heat, states of aggregation, gas laws, osmosis, anomaly of water); optics (geometric optics, optical devices and eye, wave optics); atomic physics (atom, atomic nucleus, radioactivity, ionizing radiation); basics of imaging techniques (X-ray, CT, MR).

Fundamentals of chemistry: General chemical principles; thermodynamics and chemical equilibrium; acid-base concept, chemical analysis; structures, nomenclature; weak interactions, bonds; reaction kinetics; functional groups; reactions, redox chemistry; macromolecules; medically relevant active substances.

Basics of biochemistry: Proteins (structure, properties, chirality, peptide binding, folding, secondary and tertiary structures, misfolding, protein architecture, enzymes, coenzymes, cofactors, classes, catalysis mechanisms, allosteric regulation, O2-binding proteins, peptide hormones); carbohydrates (mono- and di-saccharides, glycosidic bonds, glycogenes, glycolysis, gluconeogenesis, coricycle, sugar of the blood group system); Lipids (fatty acids, neutral fat, phospholipids, beta oxidation, citric acid cycle); metabolism (biological membranes, osmosis, electrochemical gradient, electron transport chain); nucleic acids (nucleotides, DNA vs RNA, phosphodiester bond, 5' 3' ends, antiparallel double helix, histones, nucleosome, secondary structure, RNA).

Fundamentals of molecular genetics: Central dogma of molecular biology (information flow DNA-RNA protein); structure of genomic DNA, chromosomes and genes; DNA replication; DNA damage and repair mechanisms;

Criteria for evaluation Electronic examination

If there are fewer than 10 registrations for an examination date, the examination can also be held orally at the examiner's discretion.

Methods (*)Die Lehrveranstaltung wird als Blended Learning-Lehrveranstaltung abgehalten – das heißt, dass Präsenzeinheiten und E-Learningphasen aufeinander aufbauen. In den Präsenzeinheiten werden neben einführenden Vorträgen gemeinsam Inhalte diskutiert. E-Learningphasen dienen zur selbständigen Vertiefung und Erarbeitung verschiedener Lehrinhalte.
Language German
Changing subject? No
Corresponding lecture (*)303NAWGBSLV18: VL Grundlagen zu Bausteinen des Lebens (4 ECTS)
On-site course
Maximum number of participants 300
Assignment procedure (*)Verbundene Anmeldung