Topic 1 Institutional complementarities
- How do institutional settings orchestrate with each other?
- The principles of complementary institutional settings and their variances.
- Problems of incommensurability.
Topic 2 Ownership Structure
- How does ownership dispersion influence organizational strategy and organizational behavior?
- What conditions favor principal-agent or rather stewardship situations?
Topic 3 Educational Systems
- In what way does the educational system correlate with organizational strategy?
Topic 4 Industrial Relations
- What forms of Industrial Relations are there?
- How do they influence organizational strategy?
Topic 5 Inter-Firm Relations
- What forms of Inter-Firm Relations are there?
- How do they influence organizational strategy?
Topic 6 Radical and Incremental Innovation
- In what way does institutional complementarity influence the potential for innovation?
- How can Multi-National-Corporations thrive on the institutional differences to strengthen their potential for innovation?
Topic 7 Business Systems: Austria
- What does the Austrian institutional environment look like concerning ...
- Industrial Relations?
- Inter-Firm Relations?
- Education System?
- Ownership Structure?
- What are the consequences of these settings?
Topic 8 Business Systems: Italy
- What does the Italian institutional environment look like concerning ...
- Industrial Relations?
- Inter-Firm Relations?
- Education System?
- Ownership Structure?
- What are the consequences of these settings?
Topic 9 Business Systems: Russia
- What does the Russian institutional environment look like concerning ...
- Industrial Relations?
- Inter-Firm Relations?
- Education System?
- Ownership Structure?
- What are the consequences of these settings?
Topic 10 The Keiretsu Model
- What is the Japanese specialty compared to other varieties of capitalism?
Topic 11 Gender Disparity and the Economy
- What is the relation between institutional settings and gender equality?