Detailinformationen |
Quellcurriculum |
Masterstudium Joint Master's Degree Programme in Comparative Social Policy and Welfare 2023W |
Ziele |
(*)Students develop an understanding of the normative underpinnings, the promise, challenges and limitations of social policy-making on the supranational level. This includes familiarity with the organizations and actors involved in global social policy, as well as the structural limitations to its effectiveness. Upon successfully finishing the class, they are
- … familiar with the institutional architectures of social policy-making on the supranational level and they can describe the principal structural contexts within which they operate,
- … able to identify the challenges and limitations imposed upon global social policy by those structural conditions and evaluate its effectiveness,
- … competent in applying the overall conceptual understanding of supranational social policy-making to specific cases, problems, or initiatives. They possess the research skills and the methodological competence for investigating the specific activities and agendas of particular organizations' or initiatives’ social policy intervention,
- … theoretically and methodologically adept enough to transfer insights from one context of supranational social policy to new geo-political contexts, or developmental stages, and
- … they are able to use cutting-edge data sources and IT tools such as generative AI to develop their own arguments, but are also aware of their responsibilities and the issues surrounding research ethics when doing so.
Lehrinhalte |
(*)Students develop an in-depth understanding of the overall architecture of supranational social policy-making. This includes the focus on the European Unions, other regional international institutions, as well as global social policy actors such as private foundations or international financial institutions. This class is usually organized around a thematic focus on a specific policy field, such as health governance, migration, active labor market policy, etc. Students will learn to identify key international organizations and elements of global governance in the policy field, analyze the capacities, limitations, and scope for reform of the organizations, and analyze concrete global social policies and actions. At the end of the course, students are familiar with key actors in the global policy landscape and have developed the skills necessary to research, analyze, and evaluate social policy in specific fields, and thereby understand global social policy.
Beurteilungskriterien |
(*)Active participation in the face-to-face and interactive long-distance components of the class. Written assignments and presentations both individually and in teams. Final exam (written or oral)
In the retake-option evaluation is based on a written or oral exam.
Lehrmethoden |
(*)Introductory face-to-face sessions during the Intensive Program at the beginning of the semester, af-terward distance learning methods supported by Moodle and Zoom, including interactive and team-work activities.
The retake option consists of independent study of a reading list provided by the instructor.
Abhaltungssprache |
Englisch |
Literatur |
(*)Readings and Assignments are provided by the instructor.
Lehrinhalte wechselnd? |
Nein |
Sonstige Informationen |
(*)Students who have received a failing grade, or who wish to retake the course to improve their grade, must declare their intention to retake the course before the next semester so that a retake opportunity can be offered. They will then repeat the course through independent study, studying the literature independently from a specially prepared reading list, and demonstrating their competence in a written or oral examination at the end of the semester. The retake option is not a substitute for the regular course. It is only offered to students who have received a grade in the regular course.