
[ 663BICHCP118 ] Module Biological Chemistry Project 1

Workload Mode of examination Education level Study areas Responsible person Coordinating university
1 ECTS Accumulative module examination B2 - Bachelor's programme 2. year (*)Biologische Chemie Frantisek Vacha USB Budweis
Detailed information
Original study plan Bachelor's programme Biological Chemistry 2023W
Objectives Students work on a specific project in the frame of their bachelor thesis. Students enrol for the course UCH/655 usually in the 3rd semester of their studies when they start to work in a laboratory. The course is credited if the student submits an assignment of the bachelor thesis and the supervisor is satisfied with the student's work on the project.
Subject Practical work on research topics in preparation for the Bachelor thesis.
Further information Work in the supervisor's laboratory, literature is provided by the supervisor.
Corresponding lecture in collaboration with 663BICHCP218: Modul Biological Chemistry Project 2 (1 ECTS) equivalent to
663BICHECL12: Modul Environmental Chemistry Laboratory (3 ECTS)
Subordinated subjects, modules and lectures