[ 663MAPHBPHV18 ] VL (*)Biophysics
(*) Leider ist diese Information in Deutsch nicht verfügbar. |
Workload |
Ausbildungslevel |
Studienfachbereich |
VerantwortlicheR |
Semesterstunden |
Anbietende Uni |
3 ECTS |
B3 - Bachelor 3. Jahr |
Biophysik |
Rainer Schindl |
2 SSt |
Johannes Kepler Universität Linz |
Detailinformationen |
Quellcurriculum |
Bachelorstudium Biological Chemistry 2018W |
Lehrinhalte |
(*)Students are acquainted with theories and methods of physics to understand how biological systems work. The lecture content includes:
- Thermodynamics: An overview on basic principles of thermodynamics required to describe biological systems is provided.
- Osmosis: Insights in the properties of cell membranes as semipermeable membranes and their roles.
- Biomembranes: Details on our current knowledge on the composition and function of biomembranes.
- Diffusion: Insights and physical principles on passive transport processes in biological systems. Moreover, diverse methods that enable the experimental evaluation of diffusion are presented.
- Electrical processes at membranes, Electrodiffusion: Details on electrical properties of lipid membranes, the development of membrane potential, the role of surface charges and the establishment of ion flux. Techniques to measurement ion currents are presented.
- Vesicular fusion: Presentation of the role of vesicles and ways how vesicle transport can occur. Furthermore, techniques are presented on how vesicle transport can be measured.
Beurteilungskriterien |
Lehrmethoden |
Abhaltungssprache |
Englisch |
Literatur |
(*)Biophysics: An introduction. Roland Glaser, Springer; 2nd edition (2012)
Atkins' Physical Chemistry, Peter Atkins, Oxford University Press; 11th edition (2017).
Biological Physics, Philip Nelson, WH Freeman; Auflage: 2007
Biological Physics, Philip Nelson, free version:
Lehrinhalte wechselnd? |
Nein |
Äquivalenzen |
(*)BCBPMVOBPHY: VO Biophysics (3 ECTS)
Präsenzlehrveranstaltung |
Teilungsziffer |
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Zuteilungsverfahren |
Direktzuteilung |