Detailed information |
Pre-requisites |
KS Business Spanish 2
Original study plan |
Bachelor's programme International Business Administration 2021W |
Objectives |
Building on Spanish Communicative Skills and Business Spanish 1 & 2, students extend knowledge of language learning strategies and communication strategies appropriate to C1 level.
They are able to produce and understand Spanish at a C1 level according to the CEFR.
They can understand a wide range of demanding, longer texts in Spanish and recognize implicit meaning.
They can produce clear, well-structured reports in Spanish which develop an argument systematically with appropriate highlighting of significant points and supporting detail.
They can give clear, detailed descriptions and presentations on complex business topics, integrating sub-themes and rounding off with an appropriate conclusion.
They can argue a case on a complex business issue, formulating points precisely and employing emphasis effectively.
They can respond to questions and comments in a meeting setting, answering lines of counter-argument fluently and appropriately.
They can express their ideas and opinions precisely, presenting and responding to complex lines of argument.
Students are keenly aware of register variation in Spanish and can use a wide repertoire of language skills appropriately depending on interlocuter and communicative context.
They can summarise, interpret and present clearly and reliably in Spanish information and salient points expressed in another language they know; therefore, acting as reliable mediators in multilingual business contexts.
The students have a clear awareness of challenges in intercultural communication and issues of conducting business in contemporary multilingual and multicultural settings.
Subject |
The following topics will form the basis of classroom activities:
- Aspects of grammar and vocabulary development necessary for linguistic and communicative competences at C1 level
- Discussion of relevant themes in contemporary business and society in Spanish-speaking countries and internationally
- Communicative activities to foster development of student abilities in the four skill areas (speaking, listening, reading and writing)
- Discussion of key genre properties of written reports and business presentations appropriate for advanced language proficiency
Criteria for evaluation |
Continuous assessment in the form of production and comprehension tasks during the semester;
Development of an independent collaborative project on an issue of international business or economic development;
Oral presentation tasks;
Final written exam
Language |
Spanish (and English) |
Changing subject? |
No |