
[ 460WANA15 ] Subject General Electives

Workload Mode of examination Education level Study areas Responsible person Coordinating university
31,5 ECTS Accumulative subject examination M - Master's programme Physics Gunther Springholz Johannes Kepler University Linz
Detailed information
Original study plan Master's programme Nanoscience and -Technology 2015W
Objectives Acquirement of in-depth knowledge in subfields of nanoscience grouped in the aeras "Physics", "Biophysics and Chemistry" and "General Topics in Nanoscience"
Subject Additional courses on various areas of nanoscience, grouped into three elective subjects:
1. "Physics",
2. "Biophysics and Chemistry",
3. "General Topics in Nanoscience".

For subjects refer to the description for each course.
Further information For the master's program "Nanoscience and Technology" courses with a total of 18 ECTS points must be completed from the subject "General Electives", of which at least 3 ECTS points must be from the elective subject "Physics" and 3 ECTS points must be from the elective subject "Biophysics and Chemistry".

Courses up to 12 ECTS from the General Electives can be substituted by other corses according to the regulations in §5 para. 4 of the Curriculum.
Subordinated subjects, modules and lectures