Detailed information |
Original study plan |
Bachelor's programme Mechatronics 2020W |
Objectives |
Self-reliant solving of practically relevant example problems in dynamics of rigid and deformable bodies and in strength of materials
Subject |
Practically relevant example problems concerned with
- Balance of linear momentum and moment of momentum (rigid and deformable bodies, moment of inertia, Euler's equations, local balance equations)
- Energy-based methods (work, energy and power theorems, potential energy of forces and force field)
- d'Alembert's principle (rigid and deformable bodies, principle of virtual work, Gibbs principle)
- Linearized elasticity (fundamentals, linear elastic body, Hooke's law, Navier equations)
- Yield criteria (von Mises, Tresca)
- Bending of straight beams (differential equation, principle of virtual forces, force method, transfer matrix method)
- Eigenvalue problems (buckling of straight rods, natural vibrations of beams)
- Selected solutions of linearized elasticity (St. Venant torsion, discs)
Criteria for evaluation |
Written exams
Methods |
Language |
German |
Study material |
F. Ziegler, Technische Mechanik fester und flüssiger Körper; P. Hagedorn: Technische Mechanik I, II, III
Changing subject? |
No |
Further information |
Corresponding lecture |
(*)MEBPBUETME2: UE Technische Mechanik 2 (2,5 ECTS)