Detailed information |
Pre-requisites |
(*)KS Einführung in die Volkswirtschaftslehre
Original study plan |
Bachelor's programme Economics and Business 2020W 2020W |
Objectives |
The course will provide an introduction to the Economics of Inequality and Poverty. The focus is both on theoretical and empirical issues when analyzing inequality and poverty. By the end of the course, students are familiar with the basic theoretical concepts and central empirical methods in the field of inequality (poverty).
Subject |
This course focuses on theoretical and practical questions of how to analyze (income) distribution, including poverty. The themes are:
- Formal methods and standard tools of aggregation to describe distributions.
- Theoretical and distributional principles on which to base comparisons of inequality, including criteria of social justice: social welfare analysis, the concept of distance between income distributions, and an introduction to the axiomatic approach to inequality measurement.
- Representing and aggregating information of distribution, such as modeling the income distribution and poverty.
- Practical problems of analysing (income) distributions, e.g., measurement problems, equivalence scales, zero values, et cet.
Criteria for evaluation |
Class work
Methods |
Class projects
Language |
English |
Study material |
• Cowell, Frank, 2011, Measuring inequality, Chapters 1-4, Oxford University Press. • Piketty, Thomas, 2000, “Theories of persistent inequality and intergenerational mobility", Chapter 8
of Handbook of Income Distribution, Vol 1, Elsevier. • Sen, Amartya, 2000, "Social justice and the distribution of income", Chapter 1 of Handbook of Inco-
me Distribution, Vol 1, Elsevier.
Changing subject? |
No |