[ 990CEBC13 ] Studienfach (*)Cultural, Economic and Business Context
(*) Leider ist diese Information in Deutsch nicht verfügbar. |
Workload |
Form der Prüfung |
Ausbildungslevel |
Studienfachbereich |
VerantwortlicheR |
Anbietende Uni |
9 ECTS |
Kumulative Fachprüfung |
M2 - Master 2. Jahr |
Betriebswirtschaftslehre |
Robert Breitenecker |
JKU Linz, HSE Nishnij Novgorod, Universität Bergamo |
Detailinformationen |
Quellcurriculum |
Masterstudium Joint Master's Program Global Business - Russia/Italy 2020W |
Ziele |
(*)The students gain a profound understanding of the economic, social and political backgrounds of the three regions involved (Russia, Austria and Italy).
Students will gain a profound understanding of the respective governance structures (power relations between different interest groups) at different levels: company, inter-company (sectors), social, national (e.g. economic and social partnership), supranational (e.g. EU, CIS etc.)
Students are able to understand the effects of different economic structures and to analyse them independently.
Untergeordnete Studienfächer, Module und Lehrveranstaltungen |
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