
[ 355RIGO21 ] Subject Compulsory Module: Defense of the Dissertation (Rigorosum)

(*) Unfortunately this information is not available in english.
Workload Mode of examination Education level Study areas Responsible person Coordinating university
2 ECTS Accumulative subject examination R - Doctoral programme Economics Wolfgang Frimmel (*)LFUI
Detailed information
Pre-requisites (*)positive Beurteilung aller Module sowie der Dissertation.
Original study plan Doctoral programme PhD Program in Economics and Statistics 2021W
Objectives Students can competently present their research results. The focus is on the summary and presentation of results, scientific contribution, value to scientific communities and the society, methodological competences and presentation style.
Further information (*)Studienabschließende öffentliche Verteidigung der Dissertation in Form einer mündlichen kommissionellen Prüfung vor einem Prüfungssenat, bestehend aus drei Prüferinnen und/oder Prüfern
Subordinated subjects, modules and lectures