
[ 986CAININA21 ] Module CI1: Innovation networks and alliances

Workload Mode of examination Education level Study areas Responsible person Coordinating university
6 ECTS Accumulative module examination M1 - Master's programme 1. year Business Administration Elke Schüßler Johannes Kepler University Linz
Detailed information
Original study plan Master's programme Leading Innovative Organizations 2021W
  • Understand the main challenges for innovation and creativity in hierarchical organizations
  • Appreciate the role of interorganizational relationships for innovation
  • Understand different forms of interorganizational relations, including strategic alliances, regional clusters or global production networks
  • Understand the role of the institutional environment for innovation
  • Understand the role of and need for managing innovation processes across organizational boundaries
  • Understanding key concepts in the governance and management of inter-organizational relations, specifically strategic alliances, regional clusters, global value chains and innovation and project networks
  • Understand the role of the institutional and regulatory environment for innovation processes
  • Be able to participate in ongoing academic discussions regarding the management of innovation networks and alliances
  • Understand the relevance of current research results for managing innovation in practice
Subordinated subjects, modules and lectures