Detailinformationen |
Quellcurriculum |
Masterstudium Chemistry and Chemical Technology (CCT) 2019W |
Ziele |
(*)Providing more in-depth special knowledge in the field of inorganic and coordination chemistry.
Lehrinhalte |
(*)Overview on modern aspects of coordination chemistry, physical inorganic chemistry, organometallic chemistry and catalysis including topics in bioorganic chemistry.
Beurteilungskriterien |
(*)Exam (written/oral), exercises and students presentations
Lehrmethoden |
(*)Lecture. Presentation slides and additional materials shall be provided if stipulated like this.
Abhaltungssprache |
Englisch |
Literatur |
(*)Huheey „Inorganic Chemistry“; Riedel: „Moderne Anorganische Chemie“ C. Housecroft, A. G. Sharpe, “Inorganic Chemistry”, Pearson, 2nd Ed. , 2005. D. F. Shriver, P. W. Atkins, “Inorganic Chemistry”, Oxford Univ. Press, 4th Ed, 2006. I. Bertini, H. B. Gray, E. Stiefel, J. Valentine, “Biological Inorganic Chemistry – Structure and Reactivity”, University Science Books, 2007. Selected review literature to be announced / provided in the course.
Lehrinhalte wechselnd? |
Nein |
Äquivalenzen |
(*)491WANCIC3V10: VL Inorganic Chemistry III (2.6 ECTS)