Detailed information |
Original study plan |
Bachelor's programme Chemistry 2018W |
Objectives |
This lecture introduces the students to the basic structural concepts and bonding and electronic principles of organic compounds as well as the systematic nomenclature of these compounds.
Subject |
- Atoms, molecules, bonding, polar and nonpolar molecules, intermolecular forces, solubilities, Lewis structures, preliminary ideas of resonance, arrow formalism, acids and bases.
- Introduction to orbitals, molecular orbital description of bonding, hybridization, structure of methane.
- Alkanes- conformational analysis, structural isomerism and nomenclature, alkyl groups.
- Alkenes- structure and bonding, nomenclature, E-Z notation, hydrogenation, relative stabilities. Alkynes- structure and bonding, relative stabilities, double and triple bonds in rings.
- Dienes and the allyl system, conjugation, introduction to the concept of aromaticity. UV spectroscopy.
- Stereochemistry- chirality, enantiomerism, R-S notation, diastereomerism, optical resolution.
- Ring systems- strain, stereochemistry of cyclohexane, conformational analysis of cyclohexane and its substituted derivatives, bicyclic and polycyclic compounds.
- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy.
- Infrared (IR) spectroscopy.
- Alkyl halides, substitution reactions of alkyl halides- SN 2 and SN 1 mechanisms. Elimination reactions- E1 and E2 mechanisms.
- Overview of substitution and elimination reactions, oxidation of alcohols, rates and equilibria, syntheses.
- Acids and bases revisited. Additions to alkenes- mechanism of hydrogen halide additions, regiochemistry, resonance effects, carbocation stabilities, addition of other unsymmetrical reagents, hydroboration, dimerization and polymerization of alkenes.
- Carbocation rearrangements, addition of halogens to alkenes, oxymercuration, epoxidation and chemistry of oxiranes, cyclopropanation, carbenes, ozonolysis, alkene oxidations with permanganate and osmium tetroxide, addition reactions of alkynes.
Criteria for evaluation |
Positive Evaluation of the final written exam.
Methods |
A combination of powerpoint (as well as handouts for the students) and examples and details written on the blackboard
Language |
German or English |
Study material |
- Introduction to Strategies for Organic Synthesis, Laurie S. Starkey. JohnWiley & Sons, Hoboken,2012. 360 S., Broschur ,43.90E.—ISBN 978-0470484098
- Organic Chemistry, Clayden, Greeves, Warren, ISBN 978-3-642-34715-3
- Organic chemistry: structure and function. Vollhardt, K. Peter C. — 5th ed. / K. Peter C. Vollhardt, Neil E. Schore. ISBN 0-7167-9949-9
Changing subject? |
No |
Corresponding lecture |
in collaboration with 290OPCHOC1V18: VL Organic Chemistry 1 (4,5 ECTS) equivalent to TCBPCVOORC1: VO Organische Chemie I (5,2 ECTS)
in collaboration with 663ORCHOCHV18: VL Organic Chemistry 1 for Biological Chemistry (4,5 ECTS) equivalent to BCBPOVOORCH: VO Organic Chemistry 1 (5,2 ECTS)