
[ 921CNES13 ] Studienfach Networks and Security (CS)

Es ist eine neuere Version 2021W dieses Fachs/Moduls im Curriculum Masterstudium Wirtschaftsinformatik 2023W vorhanden.
Workload Form der Prüfung Ausbildungslevel Studienfachbereich VerantwortlicheR Anbietende Uni
0-27 ECTS Gliederung M - Master Informatik René Mayrhofer Johannes Kepler Universität Linz
Quellcurriculum Masterstudium Computer Science 2021S
Ziele The protection of IT systems against internal and external attacks is a strategically important task for planning and operating IT infrastructures. The specialization in Networks and Security qualifies students for the systematic planning, configuration and monitoring of (networked) IT systems. Graduates acquire solid capabilities in the design, implementation, and administration of security strategies, the administration of systems, networks, and security policies, the application of cryptography as well as the understanding and implementation of legal requirements in the security domain. The profound technical education in this area allows for a career both in research and development.
Lehrinhalte The contents of this subject result from the contents of its courses.
Untergeordnete Studienfächer, Module und Lehrveranstaltungen