Detailinformationen |
Quellcurriculum |
Bachelorstudium Betriebswirtschaftslehre 2020W |
Ziele |
(*)Understanding socio-technical transition management as macro-, meso- and micro level approach in its technological, regulatory, management and practical aspects for a sustainable transformation of markets, industries and societies.
To gain understanding about the concept of corporate sustainability from a managerial perspective.
To understand how environmental and social issues (e.g. climate change, labour conditions) influence business management.
Learn about different approaches for sustainable management for tackling sustainability issues and become familiar with different theoretical perspectives for sustainable management.
Being able to critically reflect selected theoretical aspects of sustainability management and explore recent advancements in theory.
Develop practical capabilities in applying sustainability management theories, concepts and d techniques to real-world business contexts.
Lehrinhalte |
(*)- Socio-technical transition management (concepts, theories, practices)
- The concept and history of the social, ecological and ethical responsibility of corporations
- The different stakeholders involved in organizing sustainability
- Instrumental, political and institutional perspectives of corporate sustainability
- The challenge of organizing global supply chains in sustainable ways
- Environmental and quality management systems and certification
- Alternative forms of organizing sustainability
- Decision making and sustainable management
- Research methods and case studies of sustainability management
- Reflecting sustainability management in all its dimensions