Detailed information |
Original study plan |
Master's programme Computer Science 2013W |
Objectives |
Students will learn beside formal, mathematical basic concepts, software oriented aspects such as malware as well as the Austrian security handbook. Individual contributions by practitioners will show the range of security issues.
Subject |
Threat scenarios, risks, authentification methods, hash functions, formal access models (Discretionary Access, Mandatory Access, Verbandsmodell, Role Based Access Control), basic concepts of cryptography, types of malware.
Objectives of IT security, process models.
Criteria for evaluation |
Written exam
Methods |
Lecture and discussion
Language |
English |
Study material |
Basic literatur: * Bishop, M.: Computer Security. Addison-Wesley, Boston, in the current edition. * Eckert, C.: IT-Sicherheit. Konzepte – Verfahren – Protokolle. Oldenbourg, München, in the current edition. * Gollmann, D.: Computer Security. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, in the current edition. * Mühlbacher, J. R.: Betriebssysteme. Grundlagen. Trauner Verlag, Linz, 2009. * Österreichisches Bundeskanzleramt (Hrsg): Informationssicherheitshandbuch. Version 2.3. Wien, 2008.
Supplementary readings will be announced during the semester.
Changing subject? |
No |
Further information |
Corresponding lecture |
(*)INMNPVOEITS: VO Einführung IT-Sicherheit (3 ECTS)