
[ 289PHYSEP1V16 ] VL Experimental Physics I

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Workload Education level Study areas Responsible person Hours per week Coordinating university
4,5 ECTS B1 - Bachelor's programme 1. year Physics Andreas Ney 3 hpw Johannes Kepler University Linz
Detailed information
Original study plan Bachelor's programme Electronics and Information Technology 2016W
Objectives Introduction to the basic physics principles of classical mechanics and thermodynamics
Subject Introduction:
- areas of physics and their interrelation
- elementary physical units

Classical mechanics:
- Newton's axioms
- force, mass energy
- momentum and angular momentum
- harmonic oscillator
- elasticity
- hydrostatics and hydrodynamics

- temperature
- heat, heat capacity
- ideal and real gases
- thermodynamic cycles
- laws of thermodynamics
- kinetic gas theory
Criteria for evaluation written examination
Methods blackboard, overhead projector, power point, demonstration experiments.
Language German
Study material Hering, Martin, Storer, Physik für Ingenieure, Springer-Lehrbuch, 2004;
Douglas C. Giancoli, Physik, Pearson Studium, München 2010;
Dransfeld, Kienle, Vonach, Physik I, Oldenbourg Verlag, München 1992; Tipler, Physik, Spektrum Verlag;
Changing subject? No
Corresponding lecture (*)IEBPPVOEPH1: VO Experimentalphysik I (3 ECTS)
Earlier variants They also cover the requirements of the curriculum (from - to)
IEBPPVOEXP1: VO Experimental Physics I (2008W-2016S)
On-site course
Maximum number of participants -
Assignment procedure Assignment according to sequence