
[ 973LCINDOIK10 ] KS Master Course Dimensions of Innovation - expiring

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Workload Education level Study areas Responsible person Hours per week Coordinating university
4 ECTS M1 - Master's programme 1. year Business Administration Robert Bauer 2 hpw Johannes Kepler University Linz
Detailed information
Pre-requisites (*)Modul Organization UND Modul Human Resource & Change Management
Original study plan Master's programme Management 2019W
Objectives 1. Students understand creativity in industrial contexts — its importance, its preconditions and its (limited) manageability.

2. Students are capable of appropriating scientific knowledge from primary sources and critically reflect on it. They can elicit academic literature’s practical implications and convincingly present their own position regarding topical aspects of (managing) industrial creativity

3. Students are capable of identifying and examining empirical examples of creative excellence — reconstructing both their unique enabling factors and the general lessons to be learnt from them.

Subject 1. Creative agents:
1.1. individuals: attributes and behaviors of creative individuals;
1.2. teams: solving creative problems and (cross-functional) teams;
1.3. networks: knowledge brokering and other support networks.

2. Creative processes:
2.1. problem solving, developing, designing as formal and informal processes;
2.1.1. stage-gate processes;
2.1.2. design thinking;
2.1.3. 'white-space' management;
2.2. controlling creative processes: roadmap, innovation portfolio, measuring innovation.

3. Organizing for creativity:
3.1. structural and contextual ambidexterity;
3.2. semi-structures.

4. Creative environments:
4.1. creative locations: urban and regional development;
4.2. voice of the customer: from lead-user method to user-driven innovation;
4.2. open innovation and crowd-sourcing.

Criteria for evaluation Presence in class (85%) and on-time submission of weekly notes is mandatory. The final grade comprises exam (40%), research paper (30%) and presentation (30%).
Methods Phase 1 — Practicing Theory:
Home-study groups, a two-day workshop and an exam help students to acquire current foundational academic knowledge about creativity in industrial settings.

Phase 2 — Theorizing Practice:
Students conduct a field study of an excellent example of creativity. Systematically collecting and analyzing data, students reconstruct the unique conditions that eventually lead to the specific case of creative excellence and elicit its lessons for industrial creativity in general.

Language English
Study material Managing Innovation: A Classic View (Week 1)
- Davilla, T., Epstein, M. J., & Shelton, R. 2005. Making Innovation Work. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Wharton School Publishing. Chapters 2, 6.
- Cooper, R. G. 2001. Winning at New Products. New York: Perseus. Chapter 5.
Cooper, R. G., Edgett, S. J., & Kleinschmid, E. J. 2002. Optimizing the Stage-Gate Process: What Best-Practice Companies Do I & II. Research Technology Management, 45(5): 21-27 & 45(6): 43-49.

Creativity: Psychological Perspectives (Week 2 & 3)
- Sawyer, R. K. 2006. Explaining Creativity: The Science of Human Innovation. Oxford et al: Oxford University Press. Chapters 2, 3 & 4.
- Csikszentmihalyi, M. 1999. Implications of a Systems Perspective for the Study of Creativity. In R. J. Sternberg (Ed.), Handbook of Creativity. New York et al.: Cambridge University Press. pp. 313-335.
- Amabile, T. M. 1996. Creativity In Context: Update To The Social Psychology Of Creativity. Boulder, CO: Westview. Chaperts 4 & 6.

Creativity: Network Perspectives (Week 4)
- Burt, R. 2005. Brokerage and Closure. New York: Oxford University Press. Chapters 1 & 2.

Creative Processes (Week 5)
- Maletz, M. C. & Nohria, N. 2001. Managing in the Whitespace. Harvard Business Review, 79(2): 103-111.
- Bauer, R. M. & Eagan, W. M. 2008. Design Thinking — Epistemic Plurality in Management and Organization. Aesthesis, 2(3): 568-596.
- Elsbach, K. D., & Hargadon, A. B. 2006. Enhancing Creativity Through "Mindless" Work: A Framework of Workday Design. Organization Science, 17(4): 470-483.
- Gibson, C. B., & Birkinshaw, J. 2004. The Antecedents, Consequences, and Mediating Role of Organizational Ambidexterity. Academy of Management Journal, 47(2): 209-226.

Creative Milieus and Open Innovation (Week 6)
- Lilien, G. L., Morrison, P. D., Searls, K., Sonnack, M., & Von Hippel, E. 2002. Performance Assessment of the Lead User Idea-Generation Process for New Product Development. Management Science, 48(8): 1042-1059.
- Chesbrough, H. W. 2006. Open Innovation: A New Paradigm for Industrial Organization. In: Chesbrough, Vanhaverbeke & West (Eds.), Open Innovation. Oxford: Oxford University Press: 1-12.
- Florida, R. 2002. The Rise of the Creative Class. New York: Basic. Chapters 3, 4, 12, 13 & 14.

Changing subject? No
On-site course
Maximum number of participants 200
Assignment procedure Assignment according to priority