
[ 491ESYNACAV19 ] VL (*)Advanced Catalysis

Es ist eine neuere Version 2023W dieser LV im Curriculum Masterstudium Management in Chemical Technologies 2024W vorhanden.
(*) Leider ist diese Information in Deutsch nicht verfügbar.
Workload Ausbildungslevel Studienfachbereich VerantwortlicheR Semesterstunden Anbietende Uni
3 ECTS M1 - Master 1. Jahr Chemie Marko Hapke 2 SSt Johannes Kepler Universität Linz
Quellcurriculum Masterstudium Chemistry and Chemical Technology (CCT) 2019W
Ziele (*)- Sustainable Chemistry
- Development in the synthesis of complex molecules by catalytic methods
- Basics of transition metal catalysis
- Reaction types
- Application of organometallic complexes for catalytic transformations
- Discussion of significant catalytic reactions: Cross-coupling reactions, hydrogenations, cyclisations, carbonylations, substitutions, metathesis reactions, C-H activation and -functionalisation, domino reactions, etc. - Comparison of individual classes of metal complexes for synthetic purposes
- Basics of reactivity in catalysis
- Process intensification by microreactors, microwave, photochemistry
- Actual frontiers of catalysis research
Lehrinhalte (*)Organic chemistry
Homogeneous catalysis
Heterogeneous catalysis
Transition metal chemistry
(Modern) Instrumentation
Modern synthetic methods
Lehrmethoden (*)Presentation PP/board Excersises for self-study and discussion
Abhaltungssprache Englisch
Literatur (*)Recommended studying literature will be given in the lecture

Scripts of Powerpoint slides will be provided.

Lehrinhalte wechselnd? Ja
Äquivalenzen (*)491WORCMSMV16: VL Katalytische Methoden in der Synthese komplexer Moleküle (3 ECTS)
Teilungsziffer -
Zuteilungsverfahren Direktzuteilung